International Mathematical Olympad
Annual Regulations for IMO 2024


January 4th, 2024
All deadlines (times and dates) are at 23:00 GMT (= UTC). All sums of money mentioned are denominated in GBP (= pounds sterling). See also IMO General Regulations, There are no COVID-19 restrictions currently in force in the United Kingdom, and none are expected.

The Host City for the 65th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO 2024) is Bath, United Kingdom. The main site is the University of Bath (as in 2019) and the leaders’ site will be hotels in the centre of Bristol. From Wednesday July 17th onwards, the whole IMO will be based at the main site.

1.    The Host Organization for IMO 2024 is Purposeful Ventures.

2.    The official programme for Leaders and Observers A begins on (arrival day) Thursday, July 11th, 2024 and ends on (departure day) Monday, July 22nd 2024. The shortlisted problems will not be released before Thursday, July 11th.

3.    The official arrival day for members of the IMOB is Wednesday July 10th 2024. Leaders and Observers A may arrive on Wednesday July 10th 2024 on payment for the extra day of £200 for a room if booked before Tuesday April 23rd 2024.

4.    The official programme for Deputy Leaders, Contestants and Observers B and C begins on (arrival day) Sunday July 14th 2024 and ends on (departure day) Monday, July 22nd 2024.

5. The Contest days for IMO 2024 will be Tuesday July 16th and Wednesday July 17th. All Contestants must have been born on or after July 11th 2004.

6.    Participation of countries and territories must be confirmed online no later than Thursday, February 15th 2024.

7.    Registration of Leaders, Deputy Leaders, Observers and the number of Contestants must be completed online no later than Tuesday, April 23rd 2024.

8.    Last day for full payment of charges for Observer Fees and early Arrival Fees Monday May 20th 2024.

9.    Registration of Contestants must be completed online no later than Friday May 31st 2024.

10. Registration of travel details of Participants and Observers must be completed online no later than Saturday, June 15th 2024.

11.    The official arrival and departure sites for IMO 2024 are the following preferred locations: Heathrow Airport, Gatwick Airport and Bristol Airport. For leaders, observers A and coordinators also: Mercure Bristol Grand Hotel, Broad Street, Bristol, BS1 2EL. For all other participants also: East Building (next to the East Car Park), University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath.

12.    All accommodation at IMO2024 is in single rooms.

13.    Applications for Observers to accompany the participants must be made by Tuesday April 23 rd 2024. All accommodation is in single rooms. The fees are £2500 for Observer A, £1000 for Observer B or Observer C. Accommodation is limited, so early application for Observers is advised. If there is no more room, applications for Observer status will be rejected. Applications for Observer status without full payment of the charges on schedule will be retrospectively rejected. No refunds will be given.

14.    Proposals for problems must be received by Tuesday April 23rd 2024. Proposals must be submitted via the portal at the IMO official website.

15.    A leader of a Country that needs an official invitation in paper form via (old style) mail, should make a request to before Monday April 1st 2024. Requests not sent from the official email address of a Leader or official national IMO contact person will be rejected.

16.    Each Leader must ensure that every participant from their country has appropriate travel and health insurance.

17.    Leaders must ensure that all child protection measures which are legally enforced in their country of origin are correctly observed.

18.    For each student less than 18 years old, Deputy Leaders must bring legally notarized letters, signed by the parents (or legal guardians), which state that, in case of a medical emergency, the Leader, Deputy Leader or Observer should have the right to approve any necessary medical procedure at the IMO. This letter (in English) should state which of the Leader, Deputy and any Observers is (or are) in loco parentis (i.e. they have the legal role of parents of the children aged under 18 in their team during IMO 2024).

19.    IMO General Regulation 1.10 concerns bullying, discrimination and harassment. This regulation is in addition to the laws of the United Kingdom. The laws of the UK take precedence over General Regulation 1.10, and allegations of serious misconduct will be reported to the police. The IMO Ethics Committee may recommend a life ban from IMO for any person who does not treat other participants with appropriate respect.

20.    Team members of Country X should normally be citizens of Country X, but genuine long-term foreign residents who are not citizens (and who are being educated in Country X) are permitted to be in the IMO team of Country X provided that the student has already spent at least one full academic year being educated in Country X, and will spend a total of at least two years in full-time education in Country X before they leave secondary education.

Such a foreign education must be for a bona fide family reason, and not artificially to change national IMO status. The Board may approve deviations from this regulation in exceptional circumstances, and will publish its reasons for so doing.

21.    The host country can invite 6 students from suspended countries to compete remotely as private individuals (not as a team). The exact protocol for their participation (translations, exam, marking etc.) will be provided in due time.

22.    Remote sitting may be permitted but only when Force Majeure makes it impossible to travel to the UK (e.g. full Covid lockdown, armed conflict...). Note that financial reasons are not enough. Countries who wish to apply for permission to sit remotely should send evidence as to why they cannot travel to the UK. A joint IMOB-UK Committee will review the evidence and in well-founded cases may allow remote sitting. Note that decisions will not be made before the deadline for submitting contestant names (i.e., May 31st).

23.    Countries which and people who have been given explicit permission by the UK organizers and the IMO Board may sit IMO2024 in their own countries or territories. Such exams must take place in an Exam Centre under the supervision of an independent IMO Commissioner approved by the IMOB. The Exam Centre must be continuously monitored both by the IMO Commissioner and by recording cameras. The recordings must be kept safe until the Ethics Committee approves their destruction. The IMOB and Ethics Committee reserve the right to view these recordings.

The Exam Centre should mimic the conditions of a normal IMO Exam hall. If social distancing is necessary, then the conditions in the Exam room must comply with local regulations and guidelines.

Unless there is a special arrangement, the remote exams must take place at exactly the same time as at IMO2024 in the UK. Appropriate language versions of IMO2024 exam papers will be provided to the IMO Commissioner as PDFs before the start of each exam.

First half-hour Questions of clarification can be answered without reference to the UK with the help of guidelines which will be supplied. Photos or scans of all the written questions and the corresponding written answers must be sent to the Ethics Committee by email at the time the answer is given. The Ethics

Committee may deduct marks from students if they judge that unfair assistance has been given. Answers should be given according to the guidelines where possible. In addition to the questions in local languages, translations of question and answers into an official IMO language should be supplied.

After each Examination, scans of all work should be uploaded for coordination which will be conducted remotely from the UK by the IMO2024 coordinators.

Note that, in accordance with General Regulation 6.5, participating countries which send delegations to attend IMO2024 in person will have privileged access to the IMO2024 shortlist before IMO2025. Remote attendance is not sufficient.